Tips for Moving into Your New Texas Home

Moving into New Texas Home

Moving into a new home can be incredibly daunting, but nevertheless exciting! It rings in a new chapter of your life and a new spot to mark as your own. However, before you can really settle in, there are a few things that need to be done to assure that it is definitely a place you can dwell in. Utilities are essential, and you don’t want to be literally left in the dark when moving in all of your belongings. It’s really important to get your utilities start date scheduled as soon as you are able to (preferably 3 weeks before the move).

Step 1: Know What You Need

Gather a list of what you will need and prepare to do some research on them. Many residential communities have a homeowner’s association (HOA). Consequently, it’s important to see what’s included and what you may need to do on your own. You may even decide to drop some services you find that you didn’t use much anyway. Moving into a new home is the perfect time to reevaluate. It would also be a great idea to order them by importance. For example, you definitely want to have your power secured before focusing on the Internet or cable. The common essentials are:

  • Electricity
  • Natural gas
  • Water and sewer
  • Cable and Internet
  • Trash pick-up

Step 2: Contact Your New Area Utility Providers

Make sure to research your new area and check the website for your city and/or county for information on utility providers. Most of the time, for the big utilities like water and electricity, you’ll have one main provider for your area. Be sure to ask the important questions like

  • How much will the monthly bill be?
  • When can it all get done?
  • What will the activation fees be?
  • Do I need to be there in person during install / activation?

You’ll need to give them the address you are moving into as well as the date. Make sure to check what form of payment they accept and what they charge before continuing the application process.

Contact Information for Central TX Utilities

When looking to start or transfer a service you should have your information handy. This can include addresses, Social Security numbers, credit cards, and other proof of identification. Each utility may require you to show up to an office in person to fill out an application to get approved. Be sure to check their websites to see your best course of action.

4Change Energy (855)-550-6662
Austin Energy (512)-494-9400

Natural Gas
Texas Gas Service (800)-700-2443
Atmos Energy (888-286-6700)

Water, Sewage, Trash
Killeen (254)-501-7800 ($90 deposit)
Temple (254)-298-5616 ($75 deposit)
Belton (254)-933-5800 ($100 deposit)
Austin (512)-494-9400 ($200 deposit)

Step 3: Check to See if Utilities Are Turned On

This step may seem redundant, but as soon as you can you should go around your new home and test the lights, water, and such to be sure everything is operating smoothly. If they are not, you are going to want to be sure you aren’t charged for it and get any issues resolved quickly.

Step 4: Consider Home Cosmetics and Storage Options

Monica (Mo) Bustos, from All City Real Estate, is a Certified Military Residential Specialist and a top rated real estate agent in Central Texas. She was kind enough to share with us some of her thoughts and tips for getting ready to move in your new Central Texas home:

“When you’re buying a home, it takes time to get settled. We’ve all felt the frustration of tripping over boxes of things that haven’t found their place yet. Renting a storage facility will allow you to unpack things one box at a time to ensure everything is organized as you go.

Another important thing to keep in mind is the fact that sometimes furniture may ding walls while being moved or there may still be repairs/upgrades you want to make to your new home before you get settled in and distracted. Slowly moving your things in little at a time gives you ample time to touch up those dings in the wall, organize as you go and knock those honey do’s off the list before you start unpacking. Many storage facilities may also offer you the means of disposing or recycling some of the items you decide don’t have room in your new home.”


Having a fresh coat of paint in your new house before moving everything in could save time and save you from a headache. An empty room is easy to paint and much better than taking down mirrors, curtains, TVs, or whatever you already spent hours putting up when you moved in. Having professionals fix everything up for you beforehand might be worth the money if you want to leave it to someone else. Who knows, maybe you’ll find new furniture inspirations when you set your eyes on your wall’s new color schemes. There are numerous local Central TX businesses that provide painting services, but it’s important to find the right one for you. Family Painting in Killeen has excellent Google reviews. See their website for a lengthy list of customer testimonials for their painting, texture repair, drywall installation, and other services.


You may love the house, but hate the carpet. That is totally ok! Just like painting, you may want to have it all settled before you move all of your furniture in, or else you may spend hours moving everything out of each room to place your favored wood flooring. You may not have the funds to get it done before settling in, but if you have the spare cash hiring some professionals to set everything down could save time in the future. Installing flooring on your own can be incredibly difficult if you have no prior experience. In Killeen, The Flooring Pro Guys provide excellent wood flooring installation with a fast, free quote if you contact them.

Home Storage

If you have a garage, basement, or closet you may want to consider their size and if they have the appropriate components to assure you have what you need to store items comfortably. For a closet, you may want poles installed or shelving so you are prepared to put clothes and such in there instead of living out of a suitcase until you can get someone to or install everything yourself. Having shelving may be just what you need to make it feel less cramped and more efficient. In the Killeen area, Jenson Brothers can provide expert shelving in your closet to discourage future disorder in such a stylish way.


Do you hate that popcorn ceiling? Or perhaps the kitchen could use granite countertops? Well, the best time to remodel your home is before you move everything into it. If you notice any spots that look like may have issues in the future such as cracks, or wet spot stains you should handle it before you settle in. You may want to leave this part to experts, such as Texas Home Remodeling & Painting, a business with 30 years of experience based in Temple, Texas.


It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider the locations of your new place’s wiring and electrical outlets. You may move in and realize you have outlets in awkward places or a lack of them in an area you need. It is important to get that done so you don’t have to worry about placing items in unwanted locations just to have them reach an electrical source. You might also consider hiring a licensed electrician to change the color of your electrical outlets to match the paint color in your new home. If you do decide to get new outlets, you should also consider outlets that have USB ports for added convenience.


The last thing you want to deal with after finally moving everything in are the hidden nooks and crannies that haven’t been cleaned in a long time. This may include behind already in place appliances, windowsills, the top of fans, etc. Providing air duct, carpet, tile and group, and many more cleaning services, Bell County Cleaning in Belton can leave your new house looking fresh before you settle in saving future stress.

General Moving-In Tips

  • Make sure to pack your kitchen items separately so you can easily access it for use for eating during the day.
  • Place and install your shower curtain first so you can take a less messy shower after a long day of moving.
  • Put furniture pads on the bottom of items you may be moving around often so you don’t scratch floors.
  • Connect your major appliances to ensure they work (leave a fridge standing for 3 hours before you plug it in).
  • Recycle damaged boxes, but keep some in storage in case you need them in the future.

Amy’s Attic and Monica (Mo) Bustos Can Help

People moving to the Central Texas Area may be noticing that they are paying more for less space. When moving from a larger location to a smaller, there are going to be items that you can no longer fit into your new dwelling. Amy’s Attic Self Storage offers safe and secure facilities to store your belongings until you need them again. We provide temperature controlled units / spaces at an affordable cost to our customers. Feel free to contact us with any questions at (855)-426-9728.

Monica Bustos real estate agent If you are looking for a real estate agent in Central Texas, please consider contacting Monica (Mo) Bustos, who so graciously contributed to the content of this article. Monica, who has lived in Copperas Cove since 2015, is also certified in the City of Killeen Down Payment Assistance Program. You can call Monica at 270.253.2877 or visit her online at either or

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